Monday, 30 May 2016

May 2016 Dividends

The month of May has now come to its end and I am taking the opportunity to write a quick review of the performance achieved during such time.

During May I received the following dividends:

AT&T 06/05/2016 £8.44
SBUX 23/05/2016 £5.86
AAPL 23/05/2016 £1.67

This brings the total dividends for the month to £15.97. These values are of course after tax.
The 2016 performance YTD is as follows:

May 2016 YTD Dividends

In May I added some new positions to my portfolio, so I can't wait to see the impact of my new investments on the overall performance!
This will be particularly visible next year when comparing performance month on month.

As you can see, my strongest month to date is April, which brought a nice £36.53. It would be nice to beat that number in the coming months.

Last but not least, let's have a look at the cumulative dividends received so far in 2016:

May 2016 YTD Dividends cumulative performance

This is it for the moment, thanks for reading.

The Gentleman Investor


  1. Nice work man. I like all 3 companies so much that I own them too. SBUX is probably my favorite even though it's been sideways for a while. Keep up the great work!


    1. Thank you very much @JT, I am doing my best to put my money at work for me. I purchased SBUX prior to their stock split and it's been doing great since then. Thanks for stopping by!
